DH recently had a trip to visit family in the Okanagan, the Interior of British Columbia.  Famous for their orchard fruit and vineyards.  They even have a town called Peachland, imagine that!  He also brought home these lovely Apricots:
As well as these delicious Early Sunrise Apples:
Okanagan fruit truly is something to behold.  The best tasting fruit I have ever had.  The first thing I wanted to dive into was a simple bowl of yogurt, fresh fruit with a drizzle of Agave Nectar:
Traveling back to the Island from the Okanagan is about an 8 hour trip.  Peaches and Apricots will spoil quickly, so once we had eaten some of the fresh fruit I decided to make jam with what was left.  Although I did not get very much, one and a half jars of jam is perfect for DH and I to store in the refrigerator.
This jam is probably the easiest jam I have ever made and does not even need a recipe, but will show you the pictures of the process:
I absolutely love my soft blade peeler!  It very thinly peels off the outer skin on all stone fruits, it is also fabulous for peeling tomatoes too.
With the remaining 5 Apricots, and 8 peaches, first they were peeled, then sliced adding to a pot.
To the pot, add the juice of half a lemon, and about 3/4 of a cup of Organic cane sugar.  I like my jam on the tart side, if you want it sweeter add more sugar.
Bring to a simmer on low medium heat, stirring frequently.  Simmer 1 hour, continuing to stir, and from time to time, I mashed the fruit with a potato masher to help the process along.
I did not even add in any pectin - it really did not need it.  Ladle the hot Jam into sterilized jars and top with the lids.  With one and a half jars of jam, this will get eaten up in no time, so once the jam had cooled, into the refrigerator they went.
But first, I spread some jam on toasted, buttered, bread....Damn...this was a mighty, tasty, fine jam.   Next year I want a case of peaches, and a case of Apricots....this is my new favorite homemade jam!  If you love peaches and apricots, this is a jam for you.

Ina Gawne
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August 21, 2011