Happy Christmas everyone!  This year we will be having a quiet Christmas.
We will be having the traditional Turkey Dinner with all the fixin's on Christmas Eve....or more commonly known in our household as "Danish Christmas".  Family will arrive for the day and evening - one of my favorite times of the year.
I wanted to recap some recipes for the Holiday Season - a few of our favorites.
Here is how I make a Roast Turkey (with stuffing which turns out amazing each time) plus exquisite gravy:
Then here we have a few side dishes:
A festive Vegetable Medley:
This divine dish of mashed Yam Potato Garlic Herb Mash is a true winner at any dinner table:
Plus there will be pickled beets, and my now all time favorite homemade Cranberry Sauce:
Then for dessert:  Lactose Free Sinful Creme Brulee:
Happy Holidays to you all...and may 2013 fill you with much delight, happiness, abundant health and full bellies! xoxo Ina

Ina Gawne
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8 comments on “CHRISTMAS 2012”

  1. That tree (and the meal!) look wonderful!
    We don't have a tree... because we had a Bella (who would destroy any tree - and I haven't had the heart to put one up since she died).
    Our meal is same, same... but different (to quote our favourite store owner from Bali... a whole different story!)
    We're sweltering here.
    Humidity is my least favourite thing in the world (spell-check is my 2nd!)
    Poppy has shown no interest in any decorations, but she is allergic to ... something... and is all scabious and ugly and uncomfortable right now.
    Yoshi brought a mouse into our bedroom last night... and then LETITGO!...
    We have no idea where the mouse is now... (but it is still inside)
    I have to cook a roast beef and 3 chickens for Christmas lunch... and we are expecting 29 degrees here on the day.
    It is NO WONDER i drink!
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time, and that 2013 brings you all happiness and joy.
    I also want to thank you for your support and friendship at the moment. You have no idea how much it means to me.
    I love you.
    You are once special girl.
    Janet XXXOOO

    1. Janet - thank you dear sister! Wow, you will be busy with all of that cooking! And in that heat? Yikes! Poor Poppy...hope you discover what it is. Tucker went through a similar thing, so last year we put him on grain free cat food, and it helped big time. Maybe we have a cat that has celiac ironic!
      I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas, and a great New Year! Hugs, Ina

  2. Merry Christmas, Ina! Everything looks beautiful and amazing, including that snake plant. Wow, how old is that plant? I had forgotten about that potato yam dish and now have a ricer, but it will have to wait until we return home as we will be eating our Christmas dinner in Key West (and staying a week there)! So other than making some cookies for our family gathering at my sister's tomorrow, I am off the hook this year. But now I need to get busy packing and throwing presents in gift bags. 😉
    Happy Christmas Eve Eve, dear! All the best to you in 2013! xo,

    1. Thank you Shirley! That plant is at least 15 years has been with me so long I really can't remember how old it is. Lucky you to be having Christmas in Key West and you have someone else to do the cooking for you! Enjoy your Holiday, Merry Christmas, and I wish you a most happy New Year! 🙂

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