I love cook books.  Cook books are so inspiring, especially when accompanied with gorgeous pictures of delicious food.  They also bring happiness to my  kitchen!
Jamie Oliver:
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge Jamie Oliver fan.  His food is simple, fresh, rustic, and any recipe I have tried is truly delicious.  I also love that he gives back, that he seems so open and down to earth – what you see is what you get.
I own 3 of his books:  Cook With Jamie, Jamie at Home, and Jamie’s Food Revolution.  All of these books are delectable!  Whenever I get stumped in the kitchen, I will pull out one of his books – it is sure to satisfy!  His newest book - Jamie's Food Revolution is wonderful and inspiring ..... especially for people new to the cooking world.  I really stand behind all of  his cook books that I have used.   In watching his new Food Revolution Show, filmed in the States, I respect him all the more for his compassion, and dedication towards humanity.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks:
I just got this book from Amazon the other day.  There are many recipes that should convert to Gluten Free easily – will be experimenting soon.  I have made some of her recipes from her blog – delicious.  Again, simple, and easy to follow recipes.  I love the stories she includes in her cook book, and the photography is gorgeous!  Will update once I start some of her recipes.

The Flavor Bible:
This book is a new one for me as well.  I love it!!!  It is not so much a cook book – as there are no recipes.  It is more an outline of what foods, herbs, seasonings work together.  It is a book that helps one to develop their own recipes, and also further develops ones taste, discovering new flavors!  With each recipe I create from the inspiration of this book – I will post with an acknowledgment.  This is a book, that I am sure will teach me much!  What are some of your favorite cook books?

Ina Gawne
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8 comments on “COOK BOOKS!”

  1. I love Jamie's show too. I think I need to add the Flavor Bible to my collection, it sounds like one that could enhance my cooking. I really like Babara Kafka's books, which focus on traditional foods and Perla Meyers, who focuses on seasonal produce, something I'm trying to get the hang of.

    1. Hi Tracee - So far, have made 2 new recipes to post, from inspiration using the Flavor it! Perla Meyers sounds good...I try my best to eat seasonal...can't always succeed, but really like to when we can! Ina

  2. I love cook books. I wwant all of these. I think I'm banned from books for a few more months, tho. We just got a big box from Amazon the other day and I promised only 3 times per year. Thankfully, there are wishlists!

    1. Katie - I'm on a limit too!! Otherwise.....I could just get right out of control in a book store....or on line too! It's a good thing for Birthdays and Xmas! Ina

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