I introduce my first post with "Daniel's Quiche". My son is in the film industry. When he lived at home, we hardly saw him. He would often work 17 hour days, living his passion, filming. One day, I saw him come down the driveway with all of his gear, carrying an extra bag, dragging his sorry-oh-so tired butt into the house. He came up the stairs, and said, "here is some organic eggs from the film shoot, goodnite" and down the stairs he went, where he proceeded to sleep the next 10 hours. He had done a long shoot, doing a music video, at a rural farm. All the crew were given a dozen organic eggs. And with this, "Daniel's Quiche" was born. Poor guy, was so busy, didn't even get any! But Dang!, Ohhhh mama, lord have mercy was this good.... Ina
DANIEL'S QUICHE So, looking in the refridgerator, I had 2 leftover gluten free breakfast turkey sausages, a bit of broccoli, a couple of mushrooms (looking a bit shrivelled), ½ of a small zucchini, aged cheddar, and a chunk of Baldersons 2 yr old aged cheddar.
This was by far the best quiche I have ever had! Was it the farm fresh eggs? Which by the way, I used 2 – both were double yolks! Was it the 3 cheeses? I think it was both – but mainly the eggs! To die for!
1 Dream pastry (Bette Hagman’s The Gluten-Free Gourmet Cooks Fast and Healthy) – my only change is that I use butter instead of lard or shortening)
2 diced, cooked, GF turkey sausages
1 Tblsp. Olive oil ( I used bacon grease )
3 garlic cloves, diced fine
1 cup cooked and cut small broccoli florets
½ diced large red onion
3 brown diced mushrooms
3-4 eggs
¾ cup soy milk
Salt, pepper to taste
1 tsp. Ground sage
Mrs. Dash seasoning
½ a small zuchinni thinly sliced
Parmesean cheese
about 1 ½ cups grated aged cheddar ( I probably used more – your choice)
Roll out the dream pastry ( I use wax or parchment paper lightly floured with sweet rice flour). Transfer to a pie dish, poke with a fork all over pastry. Sprinkle the bottom with parmesean cheese, and a layer of thinly sliced zucchini. Set aside.
Saute the onions, mushrooms, and garlic in a pan on low to medium heat. When the mushrooms are nicely cooked, add the diced sausage and broccoli – just to heat through. Add seasonings, stir to combine.
Whisk up the eggs, then add the soymilk mixing well. Layer the mushroom, sausage mixture
into the pie, and then cover with the aged cheddar cheeses.
Pour in the egg mixture, Bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Heaven!
[...] gluten free pie crust, I used this one, Bette Hagman’s Dream Pastry from the Gluten Free Gourmet, Cooks, Fast and Healthy cook [...]