This is a lovely, light, refreshing salad dressing. Once you start making your own salad dressings, there is no going back to store bought. There is just no comparison. I actually think there might be one bottle of store bought in the fridge left from a while back ....its new home will be in the garbage.
We had this with a salad made from lettuce greens from the garden, market fresh shredded fennel, garlic green tops, thinly sliced purple carrots, purple radishes, sweet sugar snap peas and sliced strawberries. I could not resist adding in all the other beautiful produce from the market that day. The lovely sweetness of the strawberries with the subtle licorice hint from the fennel combined with this citrus dressing was delightful!
1/2 the juice of a lime
1/2 the juice of a lemon
1 finely minced garlic clove
1 rounded tsp. Dijon Mustard
salt and pepper
enough Extra Virgin Olive oil - a 3 to one ratio with the citrus juice
Just shake up all the ingredients in a jar, and refrigerate until needed.