My friend Karen at Heal Balance Live very graciously bestowed the Liebster Award to me.

A kind and thoughtful award indeed.  Thank you Karen - you touch my heart, I hope one day some how, some day we may meet, I have a feeling we could be really good friends!  If we don`t meet, you will always have a special place in my heart for sure!
Blogging is fairly new to me, as I have only been blogging for 1.5 years now.  In fact, the whole computer world is new to me, and what an adventure it has been.  Since starting my blog, the world has really been a wonder.  Sharing recipes, sharing stories, sharing experiences, but best of all, making new friends.  Karen first suggested that I start a blog about 2 years ago.  A blog?  How do I do that?  I did not even know how to email.  Little by little, my dear husband, held my hand, and helped me along the way - bless his heart - he can barely keep up to his own schedule!  Never mind having the patience to teach me...a so, not technical person by any means.  Hence Gluten Free Delightfully Delicious was born.  I still have the odd melt down when things go hay wire on the computer...and they always do, but it is getting easier.
So it is with thanks, (we also just had our Canadian Thanks Giving Weekend - so very timely) to Karen, my dear husband and family, and the many new friends I have made that I give gratitude.  You have all touched my world - bless your hearts.
I want to give this lovely award to every one of the bloggers on my site - check out the side bar.  But they have all been around a lot longer than I
In passing on this award, I would like to take a moment to introduce you to my twin sister Janet.  She lives on the other side of the world - New Zealand!  Yes she does!  We have much in common, same cook ware, we both eat gluten free, we love each others food, and best of all, we have the same cats - they differ in size but almost look like twins!
Janet is as much a kitty lover as I am, bless her heart.  So Janet this post is for you, I pass on the Liebster Award to my twin sister.  Check out her site Ninehundredandseventytwelverecipes.  Not only is Janet talented in the kitchen...she is a hoot.  A straight shooter, tells it like it is... I love her for that!
The Liebster is awarded to spotlight up and coming bloggers who currently have less than 200 followers. 'Liebster' is a German word meaning dear, sweet, kind, nice, good, beloved, lovely, kindly, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. What a gift to be awarded with such kindness! Now for the rules:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have fun!
Now onto the business of a recipe:

By the way, the reason this pumpkin pie is so dark is because of the Organic Camino Whole Brown Sugar - incredible flavor, this natural sugar has the most flavor I have ever tasted in a sugar.
1 unbaked 9 inch dream pastry pie crust
(my favorite is Bette Hagmans Dream Pastry, from the cook book The Gluten Free Gourmet Cooks Fast and Healthy)
2 eggs
1 398 ml. Canned Organic Pumpkin
1 cup of Organic Cuisine Camino Whole Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg, and Ground Ginger
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/2 cup soy milk - or any milk - Coconut Milk would be fabulous
Preheat the oven to 425 degress.
In a bowl, whisk the eggs until frothy. Add pumpkin, sugar, salt and spices, whisking until well combined.  Blend in milk, and stir until incorporated.  Pour filling into pie shell and bake at 425 for 15 minutes.  Reduce oven to 350 degrees and continue baking for 30-35 minutes - until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
Allow to cool and serve with SCD or Regular Whipped Cream.

Ina Gawne
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  1. I CAN'T have this award - YOU are the sweet twin!!! 🙂
    ... now I have to figure out how to copy and paste the logo thing...
    Do I get to pass it on to 5 people? (please say yes, and do they have to have cooking blogs, or can they be regular folks?? :-))

    1. Ha haaa....I do not know how to cut and paste dh did it for me 🙂 And you say I am the sweet twin! Yes please pass it onto five people - any bloggers you like! 🙂

  2. PS - that pie looks really good. Would you believe, I have never eaten pumpkin pie?? It is not traditional here, but I suspect it's time to start a new tradition... and pie would be a fine start. 🙂

    1. Ohhh Janet - you must try pumpkin,so,so good! You could make an almond crust pie crust which would be delicious. Please make it and let me know what you think....I would love to see your face on the first bite! 🙂

  3. I love Janet too, she's lovely!
    Blogging is a real adventure, isn't it? I have been blogging for just over a year and don't know how to do much else either. I tried to edit my header and deleted it somehow then had to go to bed with a migrane! Luckily my hubby found my draft and was able to re create it for me. I still don't facebook or twitter, and the thought just overwhelms me, so for now I'm happy just visiting lovely blogs like Janet's and now you!

    1. Janet is a dear! I so hear you...twitter and facebook scare the daylights out of me!....and I too love meeting new people and their blogs! 🙂

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October 10, 2011