Hello?....Hello?.... run.... run for your lives! Warning...read at your own peril. Cranky person in the kitchen today - Lord have mercy!
There are three things I would like to share today. Okay, confession time. I am mad at myself, and this was my own *!#% fault! This post is not about a recipe, but about making life easier in the kitchen when you have had a long day, or are too tired to cook. And it is about Real Food. First, let me say I make everything from scratch, everything. Correction....I will not make homemade mayonnaise. Why? Because I am a mayonnaise freak. If I made homemade mayonnaise, I would no sooner pour it into a bowl, then I would grab a spoon and eat it all. Seriously, I would. I need to have some self discipline in life somewhere don't I? So, no homemade mayonnaise in this house, although, I do dream about it. Nope, not gonna go there, just not.
So now for the confession part. The other day, after a long day, I just did not want to cook. We rarely eat out because most restaurants serve industrialized, hormone/antibiotic filled meats. Therefore, the more I cook from scratch, the better I like my own food. There are days however, when I really, really miss the convenience of being able to go to a restaurant and eat a good meal. Here is what happened this particular day:
I had taken out Hormone/antibiotic free ground turkey to defrost thinking I would make meatballs and pasta. Lo and behold what did I see at the back of my pantry? One lowly jar of organic pasta sauce. I cringed. It was from yesteryear. I checked the date, and it was still good. So what did I do? I used it. Well, lesson learned. It was okay, bordering on lousy, but never again. I do not care how tired I am, I will make homemade pasta sauce and freeze it. I can not believe there was actually a time when I thought this stuff tasted good!
I have a huge repertoire of pasta recipes...Ina, give your head a shake, what were you thinking?
Mercy...then I watched JAIMIE'S FOOD REVOLUTION, L.A. I am still trying to catch my breath. Wow! Have you watched it? If you know me, you know I am a huge Jamie Oliver fan. Love his food, love his cooking shows, so - so love his movement towards real food. This is worth watching:
Then it gets even better. Â I happened to check out the lovely blog Mrs. Ed's Research and Recipes (thanks Mrs. Ed!)..she had a link to this youtube video, which could not say it any better:
I salute Jamie Oliver and so support all of his endeavors. I am behind him all the way. Go Jamie Go!
I salute this eleven year old...yeahhh! Out of the mouths of babes...bless his heart! There can not be enough said about naturally raised meat, vegetables, fruit...food to sustain us, food that is healing and can be so abundant if we are willing to produce it in a natural way.
The same goes for homemade food, nothing will ever taste as good. Just like the homemade Ketchup recipe from Chef Michael Smith. Or how about homemade BBQ sauce, or homemade chicken stock, or homemade Gluten Free Bread or Pancakes, or Muffins or homemade salad dressings? And the list goes on and on. And honestly, when it comes right down to it, it is about being organized. So if I want homemade delicious food, I have to make it myself. I will have to plan ahead, freeze what I can to make life easier when life gets hectic. And the best thing.....it is always way more delicious than any package or jar could deliver! This is about REAL FOOD. Real food not filled with chemicals, and words we can not pronounce...
So...I ask you:
How do you make life easier in the kitchen when you just don't feel like cooking? Is Real Food important to you too?
p.s. thank you for letting me squawk...I feel better now...mercy!
YAY YOU!!!!!
and thank God for kids like this little guy - I hope he gets his dream farm, I hope it works for him. It gives me hope for the future that there are kids like him, and people like you, and some of the other people I am 'meeting' online.
And Jamie - is that man not a SAINT?? He could've just rested on his laurels and done nothing, but he has chosen to be brave and put himself on the line - he is nothing short of amazing!
And for the times I don't feel like cooking?.... we are lucky enough to have a FABULOUS Indian takeaway not too far from here - almost all their food is gluten free and is absolutely delicious. For the other times - when I'm in a 'cooking' mood, I make the most of it - do things in bulk, freeze individual portions etc. I'm working on Rick to get us another freezer for next year - the one that comes with the fridge is just not big enough 🙂
Thanks for your kind words and support Janet! Jamie is my hero, he is absolutely amazing!
Ina, great post!! When I'm busy (like right now juggling work and school) I do more of the quick fix stuff for myself and husband(not for Gordon, but he likes the same thing day in and day out). I will usually reach for the bag of salad mix and dump a can off tuna on it. It gets old. I like when I have time to cook and be creative.
Thank you Tracee for your awesome video which helped with this post! Its a lot juggling work and school...I remember those days! 🙂
It is all about real food,...home made or good organic baught food. I rarely make my own mayonaise, only in summertime or if there isn't a good one available.
I love your approach to food too! You have to eat gluten free everyday of your life but I can till eat wheat & gluten but all in moderation. I am a big fan of all of your home made from scratch recipes: They rock!!! 🙂
Thank you for your kind words Sophie - so sweet!