Don't you just love fresh organic vegetables and fruit?  Such gorgeous color.  These came from the market the other morning....you can not tell from the picture, but those green onions are at least 1 1/2 ft. long!  Rhubarb dessert pending.
The Fresh Asparagus has been wonderful at this time of year as well.  Easiest way to cook is to lightly steam for about 2-3 minutes, or toss some olive oil, salt and pepper onto a baking sheet and roll the asparagus to coat well, roast at 375 for 10-15 minutes - delicious!

With all the fresh goodness of these veggies, I just hated to waste anything.  The next easiest thing to make is Vegetable Stock. Isn't that a lovely rich color?  And soooo simple:

8-12 end pieces of asparagus (the woody part you would normally throw away)
1 carrot chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
1 bunch of fresh parsley
2 sliced crimini mushrooms
2 celery stocks with leaves, cut into 1 inch pieces
1/2 a large onion, roughly chopped
2 sliced garlic cloves
1 tsp. sage, thyme, basil, whole savory
1 Bay Leaf, salt and pepper, and 3 1/2 cups water
Add everything to a pot, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and turn down to a simmer for 30-40 minutes.  This stock is lovely for any recipe calling for chicken or beef stock.
Up next....Vegetarian Risotto.

Ina Gawne
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